Pure Water
Integrated Water Supply & Sewerage Solutions
Water Treatment
Delivery of high-quality drinking water for all customer needs - from private residences to megalopolises, from factories to large infrastructure objects
Water treatment with specified parameters
Closed-loop Water Systems
Pools and water parks
Hydroponic farms
Fish breeding farms
Production of high-quality drinking water from salt-containing waters without sacrificing biogenic water composition
Removal of deuterium from salt water
Sewage Purification
Purification of industrial waste streams
Purification of sewage from food manufacturing facilities
Purification of waste streams from farming, livestock and poultry enterprises
Mine drainage
Purification of sewage from oil extraction and production companies
Fractional Separation of Mixtures
Purification of surface watercourses (rivers, lakes, seas)
Groundwater purification
Industrial water ourification
Ready-to-go Modular Solutions
ADGEX is ready to carry out design and survey works as well as research works to identify key concepts for individual customer needs, applicable to both local tasks and major infrastructure projects in water supply, sewerage and ecology domains.
Conduct of Engineering Research
Pre-design Works
Technical Implementation
Turnkey Operation
Compilation and preparation of materials
Field survey
Further office analysis
Clearance process prototyping
Development of regulations
Preparation of task technical order for design work
Development of design documentation
Production of equipment
Design stage
Equipment installation
Engineering and expert follow-on support
Key Features
Complex approach adopted by ADGEX is based on the technologies, many of which are truly unparalleled
Fitting and selection of equipment for a particular task of any complexity
Optimal purification method is determined while carrying out a survey and a laboratory prototyping
Optimization of CAPEX for the best quality and substantial OPEX reduction
Leading Experts
Pavel Sukhonin
Pavel is a practitioner in water purification and water treatment. Dr. Sukhonin took an active part in development of Federal Targeted Program “Clean Water” aimed at improvement of drinking water quality, water supply management.
Vladimir Kamburov
Vladimir is a practitioner in the field of hydraulic engineering, purification and preservation of surface watercourses. Moreover, he is an expert on environmental security and preservation of water resources.
Our Completed Projects
Station of Artesian Water Deferrization
State Educational Institution “Saint Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity”, Leningrad Oblast, village of Zerkalniy
Desalination Facility
Heating Equipment Factory
(Double reverse osmosis)
Desalination System for Electroplating Industry
By request of Research and Production Association “Process”
Purification System of Storm Water Overflow
“Metallpromtorg” Closed Joint Stock Company
Removal of oil products, synthetic surfactants, iron ions, manganese, aluminium, copper, zinc.
Sewage Treatment of MSW Landfills
Town of Sovetsk, Kaliningrad Oblast